Experimental Arts Summer Camp (2018)

FitKidz and the Visual Arts program was taken place simultaneously in Miami Shores. Each art session(s) {3 hours} are themed by one overall and one art technique per week, Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 3:00 PM. Experimental Visual Arts Camp was conducted in small groups indoors. For Ages ranging 7-15 years old.

  • WEEK 1 - Charcoal/Graphite, Animals Matter! Campers will be able to express emotion through animal body language.

  • WEEK 2 - Oil/Chalk Pastel, we'll explore techniques using features of the body (eyes, lips, nose, ears, hair)

  • WEEK 3 - INK, Understand line from brushstrokes, manga, Japanese art, and contemporary art.

  • WEEK 4 - Dye-ing to shirt

  • WEEK 5 - Acrylic painting, practice techniques and put them to the test using live models.

  • WEEK 6 - Watercolor painting, practice techniques and put them to the test using live models.

  • WEEK 7 - Jewelry/Performance/Fashion, Step by step campers will make jewelry/fashion to make a small performance at the end of the week.

  • WEEK 8 - Upcycle Sculpture, One Person Trash is Another Artist's Treasure, We take clay or trash to create a sculpture.

  • WEEK 9 - Final Project- Mix Media, campers will be able to make a large format art form close to 18 in by 24 in